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Refunds and Cancellation Policies 

Every chargeable activity includes an administrative fee of HK$100 Member/ HK$160 Member's Guest. This fee is not refundable at any time unless the AWA cancels the event. If the AWA cancels an event, the entire activity cost will be automatically refunded to you. 

Charges in excess of the administrative fee are refundable if cancellation is received by the AWAF office at least one full week before the activity date, unless otherwise specified. For example if the activity is on a Tuesday, cancellation must be received prior to midnight of the previous Tuesday.

When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur.  By entering the event premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or reproduction.


For donations over HK$100, we are able to issue a receipt. Please email for more information. For all credit card donations, please add 4% as that is what we are charged by the bank.

Photography and Filming Notice

When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur.  By entering the event premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or reproduction.

Consent to Receive Electronic Communications

Members and Directors agree to receive electronic communications for any notices required to be in writing in the AWA and AWAF’s Articles of Association.


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2-12 Queen's Road West
Arion Commercial Centre
11/F, Office No. 5

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

香港上環皇后大道西2號, 聯發商業中心11樓1105室


852 2527 2961


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© 2035 by the AWA Foundation of Hong Kong

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