Throughout our long history, the AWA and now the AWA Foundation has supported charities that provide services to children and youth, the disabled, the elderly, women and girls, social services and special education.
The AWAF also works in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation and is open to collaborate with other businesses and organizations to help facilitate their grant making programs.
The AWAF supports organizations that champion women, as well as those that that work with children, youth, and the elderly – segments of society traditionally cared for by women. We know that by empowering women, we not only uplift individuals, but entire communities.
We provide general grants or program and project support to organizations working with underserved women and girls.
Supporting Children & Youth
We provide program and project support to organizations supporting children, youth and families.
Caring for the Elderly
We provide project and program support for organizations that seek to improve the lives of the elderly.